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Conchobhar Ruadh and Amano Miura - Nós Nua

Fáilte romhat chuig Nós Nua le Conchobhar agus Amano. This bilingual workshop is a spás sábhailte (safe space) for sharing, deconstructing, and reimagining the diverse and complex relationships that live between An Ghaeilge (the Irish language) and the people of this island today. Nós Nua invites you to connect with An Ghaeilge through the lens of community, self- compassion, and conscious decolonisation. Join Conchobhar and Amano in turning a new page in your Gael-scéal through machnamh (meditation), oideachas iarchoilíneach (postcolonial learning), and amhránaíocht ar an sean-nós (traditional singing). *No prior knowledge of Gaeilge (Irish) required*

Bios: Conchobhar Ruadh (B.S.c Psychology), is a hypnotherapist, meditation teacher, father, fonnadóir (singer), and Irish-language advocate. His work explores the decolonisation of beliefs and attitudes in Ireland, particularly in relation to language and spirituality.

Amano Miura is a singer, writer, poet, actor, activist and student of the shamanic arts. Her work is informed by the earth, magic, and cultural fluidity. She is currently engaged in a personal study of the sean-nós singing tradition with master mentors around Ireland.

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