11th - 13th October 2024 - Hungry at the festival? See the Community Kitchen for Food

Ni Ibu (Davi Leon)

Ni Ibu (Davi Leon) is a Brazilian who has been rooting down in Irish soils since 2013.

As a social psychologist from an academic background, his main driver was to understand what made communities healthy.

But it was only after moving to Ireland that he made the connections between the health of the community and the health of the landscape.

Through his partner Hazel Kari and Irish family, he had access to land and to a wealth of inherited knowledge and love for growing food and being Nature.

Together they started Hazel and Davi`s Wicklow Farm,  producing vegetable boxes for their local community while they learned how to manage the landscape for Abundance and studied Syntropic Agroforestry (focusing on farming without dependency on Inputs, and having the capacity to overflow resources using Nature's pathways for creation).

Ni Ibu has also been engaging with and studying the way of life of the Indigenous people who ARE the Amazon Rainforest, studying its plant medicines and decolonizing his own self and remembering how to be Nature.

Ni Ibu will offer practical information and tools on how to consume and manage our land for Abundance - as Nature. We will look into the evolution and the path of life on our planet, and how Cooperation and Unconditional love is the driving force behind it all.

Recognising where the violence of the colonial project and mindset still lingers in much of our ways of being and social structures in Ireland and beyond, making an invitation to re signify words such as INVASIVE, ALIEN, COMPETITION and so on..

It will be an invitation for a paradigm shift from War to Peace, in each one of us and in the way we manage ecosystems.

Haux Haux

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