11th - 13th October 2024 - Hungry at the festival? See the Community Kitchen for Food

Phoenix and Wolfe

Amanda Shannon and Cairo Rocha are the soul force of Phoenix and Wolfe, a name reminiscent of the mystical, natural and folkloric worlds. This couples songs are forged in the fires of their cultural diversity, fusing Irish and Brazilian heritage. Shannon’s versatility as a song writer and performer is equally matched by Rocha’ adaptability as a guitarist. Shannon’s vocal range and seannós echoes, in her delivery, raise the roof, in tandem with the warmth and dexterity of Rocha’s signature, barehanded playing and finger picking style, emulating the MPB of his homeland. This duo’s love of music, each other and their deep respect for their respective indigenous roots are undeniable. They compose the only way they know how, playing with sound, frequency and language, using English, Irish and Brazilian

Portuguese to convey powerful, sophisticated and loving truths about life, loss and the connection to one’s native culture. Dancing between, heady rhythms, bluesy sensuality, or the hauntingly ethereal this duo focus on letting the songs choose their own path, as they build their own musical legacy.

“A sensual mixture of Irish soul and Brazilian Heart. So beautiful and exotic. Amanda’s warm voice and Cairo’s distinctive guitar playing seduce the audience with every note. I was hooked from the minute I heard them” - Dora Gola

“Amanda and Cairo are two of the sweetest people and artists I’ve ever come across in all my time producing music. Vulnerable, kind-hearted and brave I’m glad they are making art and putting it into the world. We need more pure hearted music in this world, and I am looking forward to all they have to give us.” Enda Gallery

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