11th - 13th October 2024 - Hungry at the festival? See the Community Kitchen for Food

Sacred Oak Shamanism

Let Gabrielle Boylan, qualified in the original old Shamanic ways brings you home .... back to yourself. To understand that you are truly part of the great circle of life.  

Take a moment to look within and see the wisdom and strength that lives there within your own heart.

This journey offers an opportunity to sit within a powerful Sacred Circle with the Intention "how to show yourself self love". Something so often over looked as we focus on the outward and all that goes on around us.

This journey will be of huge benefit to all and all are welcome.  However i would like to make a special appeal to Carers who so often over look themselves due to the stress/worry and extra load of  responsibility to take this moment for you....to step away from that responsibility and focus on yourself. As a full time carer myself I wholeheartedly understand this responsibility.

Honoured and excited to be part of this special weekend.  Can't wait too see you there.

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