11th - 13th October 2024 - Hungry at the festival? See the Community Kitchen for Food

Safe Space: Festival Welfare with PsyCare Ireland

Music festivals can be places of expansion, exploration and connection. But for some, they can also trigger overwhelm and psychological crisis. This may be related to existing mental or sensory issues, as well as recreational alcohol and drug use.

Up until recently, there was no dedicated service to support people in these settings. PsyCare Ireland is here to change that.

Join two of the directors of PsyCare Ireland for an interactive discussion on the transformative power of non-judgmental peer-support in places of challenge.


Declan Hammond, homeopath and transpersonal therapist, with decades of experience leading teams at Kosmicare, Boom Festival, Portugal.

Kathryn Ledden, medical doctor working in clinical trials investigating psychedelics for mental health, previous volunteer with Kosmicare and PsyCare UK.

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