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Saraswati Hancock - Rivers of Feminine Wisdom

There is a naturally arising, innate wisdom that comes from the Heart Womb connection. This intuitive knowing is in every one of us, and is accessed when we become still and drop the mind into the deeper centres of our being.

There is also wisdom that arises through lived experience, over time and years, loves and losses. The weaving of lifetimes and all that life brings.

We learn to become wisdom keepers when we can enter spaces where all is held in Love; heard, spoken, sung, lamented, digested, processed, grieved and celebrated.

We invite all ages of women to come together to hear each other and to explore the transmission of wisdom teachings from elder to younger and from Younger to elder.

What do we have to learn from each other?

Where do we feel unseen and unheard?

What is our inner relationship with the Elder woman?

How can we build potent bridges of understanding, respect and love between all ages of Womanhood?

How can we enter the Great Initiation of Menopause with grace, joy and self love?

Through Womb Yoga, ceremony, ritual, prayer and song we will journey within to the Wisdom Grandmothers as a portal to enter our wisdom hearts and share a space of deep listening and mutual empowerment .

Jai Mā

Saraswati has walked the Yogini path for nearly 50 years, and has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years. She was a founder of a Moon Lodge that met every New moon for 18 years and practiced as a birth Doula for 10 years. She is a mother and a grandmother and her path has been to support herself and other women through the ages and stages of life. She is committed to the practice and study of classical Tantra as a way of empowerment and liberation. Saraswati is a Womb Yogini, and is engaged in ongoing study of Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra and Vedic Counselling. Her teachings are trauma informed, devotional and multi dimensional.

“ As I enter and embrace my post-menopause season I have a deep curiosity about the place of the elder woman in our society and our communities. So many women I know speak with sorrow of feelings of invisibility as they age and I hear younger women expressing how they feel let down by older generations. In this age where anyone can be an expert through a tiktok video, where do we find true wisdom? I believe that by creating spaces where we can see, listen and hear each other, we can create powerful rivers of understanding and connection for the future” Saraswati

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