11th - 13th October 2024 - Hungry at the festival? See the Community Kitchen for Food

Wildcrafting - Fire Building

Wild-craftingFire is an essential element of our being. Firelighting is a basic ancestral skill that has practical uses, social benefits and fulfills some spiritual needs. At this workshop you will learn to light a fire naturally.Please note that wild weather might enforce a change in workshop craft to something not involving fire. Regardless, dress for the weather in outdoor clothing.

Numbers limited Darach works in environmental and nature education - delivering wild food foraging courses and wildcrafting workshops, teaching permaculture and leading nature walks.He strives to deliver fun, holistic and experiential nature connection activities. He hopes that by connecting to nature and place, we will care more for ourselves, others and our environment. His interests also include herbalism, vegetable growing, woodlands, community, low impact living and other “traditional” living skills.

Darach Ó Murchú InMyElement

Mountaineering Instruction & Walking Guide

Leave No Trace Advanced Trainer

Seaweed and Land Wildfood Foraging

Forest Schools and Nature Crafts

Nature Connection & Awareness Walks

Ecology & Sustainability Educator

Permaculture, Trees & Vegetable Growing Teacher

Media, Slideshows & Talks

fb.me/DarachElements Mobile: +353 (0)87 2153758

personal facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darach.omurchu/

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