Sacred Fire Space

Join us for the Opening Ceremony to launch Hidden Hearth @Lisnavagh. John Cantwell and Karen Ward of Slí An Chroí will offer a powerful Fire Ceremony to synchronise and connect with the energies of Autumn and the end of the Celtic Wheel of the Year as we head towards Samhain.

During Hidden Hearth Aoife will be curating the sacred fire space at Hidden Hearth with her wonderful team of fire guardians. This fire will be tended to and burn throughout hidden hearth, offering a sanctuary for healing and celebration. Aoife will also be teaching a variation of the ancient Irish Céili dance known as the ''bonfire dance'' around the fire accompanied by live traditional Irish music. Aoife is a sacred fire-keeper. Tending to the hearth of Éiriú, she facilitates spaces of ancestral reconnection, healing and remembrance. She facilitates community fire ceremonies throughout the wheel of the year, as well as at gatherings and festivals.

Join us once more to complete our fun, informative and educational time together over the weekend. John Cantwell and Karen Ward of Slí An Chroí are honoured to
close the Hidden Hearth Festival @ Lisnavagh ceremonially as we give thanks for all the amazing experiences over the magical two days.

In this space over the weekend:

Aoife Lowden - Sacred Fire Keeper & Céilí

Aoife Lowden - Sacred Fire Keeper & Céilí

More information coming soon
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